Alyona Ageeva: New Fascism is what we should not allow in Europe in any case

Photo: Alyona Ageeva’s private archive

Posted on June 15, 2019 by Il Grido del Popolo©

Alyona Ageeva (1970) was born in the city of Rostov-on-Don in a proletarian family of workers originating from the ethnic Don Cossacks. Since the late 1980s, she took the most active part in Komsomol socio-political internationalist activities, working in the “Victor Hara Interbrigade” throughout the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the socialist state project, in 1992 she entered the “Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology” of the Rostov State University, having successfully graduated from it with a certified cultural philosopher in 1997. In parallel with studying at the University, she became an active member of the left-radical extremist National-Bolshevik Party – the NBP (led by politician and writer Eduard Limonov). In 1994-1995, she became one of the regional leaders of the National Bolshevik Party, leaving the organization for ideological differences with the leadership in 1999.

1999-2000 From January 1999, Alyona Ageeva intensified correspondence with a long-time comrade on the “Interbrigade named after Victor Hara “- Volodya Rojo Castellanos. At that time, Volodya Rojo Castellanos was the commander of one of the Continental Southern Mobile Partisan Units of the Sandinista Army. In 1999-2000, during the right-liberal regime of “Samosist” President Arnoldo Aleman, Alyona Ageeva lives and is engaged in political-educational activities in the Nicaraguan city of Leon – in the Headquarters of the Continental Southern Mobile Partisan Command. During his life and activity in Nicaragua, A. Ageeva is engaged in teaching activities at the People’s Sandinista School.

In 2001, A.Ageeva returned to Russia, entered the Graduate School of Rostov State University, where he wrote a dissertation project entitled “The Process of Socialization of Subcultural Politicized Left-wing Radical Youth in Russian Society of the 1990s-2000s.” “.

In 2004-2007, he taught political science students a course on the history of political theories and the methodology of social processes in one of the commercial Humanities Institutes in the city of Taganrog.

Since 2011, when, in the context of her research and practice (A.Ageeva, she worked as a senior researcher and analyst in Caucasus studies at the Center for Systemic Regional Research and Forecasting), actively supervised by representatives of the Russian special services, due to A.Ageeva self-dismissed from the structures of academic science and engaged in an independent sociological activity. In free conditions, Ageeva initiatively took up holding focus groups in different cities, regional centers of the region (among the most diverse social strata), plus engaged with like-minded people in the laboratory with independent (empirical) social studies and polls. Summarizing the results of the initiative-based anti-opportunistic work, and the whole corpus of bulk final material was subjected to synoptic analysis – the results turned out to be more than deplorable. In 2011-2012 A.Ageeva continued independent sociological research as a scientific emissary from the Spanish office of the International Independent Institute EurasianHub

In 2012, A. Ageeva became the founder and coordinator of the Southern branch of the “Russian Friendship Society with Cuba”. As a result, in 2012 she was taken to a summer political camp in Cuba, which was conducted under the auspices of the José Martí International Brigade of Voluntary Labor (but the word “labor” is more formal there, in fact, there was provided a place for purely political Marxist -Maosite-Leninist assembly, representatives from all over the world, mainly representing oppositional, illegal organizations. This camp is a neutral place provided for the “cold” radicals of the continents. “It is called Between The camp is named after Julio Antonio Mella (SIHAM), located on a low plateau of a small mountain village in the center of Cuba. In the international meeting that was historically significant for A.Ageeva, Iranians from Tude, Afghans-Maoists, Lebanese communists, representatives of the radical the wing of the Social Republican Party of Ireland, the former counterintelligence chief of Honduras, who before the military-democratic coup d’état served under the “Red Regime” there and many others whose persons should not appear on any ytah. Actually, after this informal internationalist meeting, A. Ageeva decides to withdraw from the organization supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia withdrew from the Southern branch of the Russian Friendship Society with Cuba. But further conversation with the above-described comrades, acquaintance with serious people from the Continent, with people from the “Hugo Chávez Foundation”, the “Simon Bolivar Foundation” – with the secretary of “Torino Unione di Antonio Gramsci”, in principle, laid the foundation .) that, through Alyona Ageeva, the only female Network Commissioner (and only through me so far, because other coordinators (network commissioners) and members of 16 network rates in Europe, America and Asia have not yet raised their visibility “until time) FB users are known as” International Network group (later – the International Social Combat Action) “Southeast Star”.

In addition to the longstanding internationalist political activities covering Europe, Asia and America, the Commissioner of the SOUTH EASTERN STAR Alyona Ageeva is known in various European and American electronic and print media as a left-wing political analyst and analyst.

Since 2014, own permanent correspondent in Eastern Europe, the main print magazine of the Spanish political coalition “Izquierda Unida” – “La Gaceta de Los Miserables”

Since 2018 – Chief Editor of the Independent Internationalist Internet Portal

Currently, free from international social and political activities, Commissioner Alyona Ageeva is preparing to publish her first two books written over the past few years – a collection of essays, memories of work and life in various Latin American countries, “BAREFOOT ON THE FLAMING CONTINENT” and culturally -sexological scientific and practical research “PARASEX: REVOLUTIONARY REVANSH MODERN”.




First of all, tell me, comrade Alyona, what is the position of women in the Russian post-transition society today, and can it compare with the position of women in the society of the Soviet Union?

AA: The question is very interesting, Comrade Gordan, and it is very difficult to meet the short answer in the interview format; This is a big and ambiguous topic for historical, sociological and practical research, as a result of which objective conclusions can be drawn. But I will try to answer, to start by appealing to the story – I cannot answer such a question without addressing it. The fact is that the role of women in the history of the Soviet Union, beginning in 1917 and ending with the era of the so-called Gorbachev Perestroika, was heterogeneous; she underwent a phased change. At the beginning of the revolutionary formation of the Soviet Union, the role of women in society was actually equal to the role of a man – it’s enough to recall the names of women — commissioners and numerous and active social, political and productive women — and this is natural: after all, the Great Social Role of the Revolution of the liberated woman set by the Great October Socialist Revolution were high. At the same time, a great deal in the development of Soviet women depended on their own self-awareness — often women who were more eager for education and progress were commanded by men. I believe that the prospects for women’s emancipation, which opened with revolutionary changes, were real emancipation, real feminization, which can be called a phenomenon of high Modernity: when a decent social role was given to a woman in an emerging socialist society, the available social level corresponding to the level of development and civic consciousness was “ elevators “. However, by the time of the so-called “stagnation” – the socio-political systemic crisis in the Soviet Union, the role of women in social and political life was changing for the worse – and this, of course, also spoke about the regression of the System .. Today, as you correctly formulated , Russian society is still in a post-transition period: the emerging cultural norms of capitalism coexist with the Soviet norms remaining in the public consciousness at the level of archetypes, thanks to which the modern woman in Russia is also able to to show freedom of love — in spite of any obstacles, to make the choice of one’s life path — as it has been typical of dozens of years to several generations of Soviet women. Secondly, in the context of the upcoming capital with today’s RF, the social status of women has changed. Those who set new standards, the ruling class and the media serving them, dealt with social and ideological manipulations, and form consumerists, ideal consumers, deprived of the skills of social solidarity, from passive representatives of the youth. In these conditions, young women in the fight for their rights, at best, prefer the opportunity to run their business or go up the career ladder, while accepting the strange “rules of the game” of the so-called “gender” struggle against patrimonial values, dreaming of being a business woman or successful government officials. In the worst case – if the way to the business elite or to the bureaucratic state apparatus was not available to them, the most active of them join the ranks of modern militant feminists. Perhaps this may not appeal to today’s progressive girls and women in Europe, but personally I, as well as my colleagues in the internationalist movement, avoid using the term “feminism” in my political environment – both phenomenologically and conceptually considering it controversial, in any case – debatable. We prefer it – the basic and historically grounded, somewhat vintage concept of “emancipe”, because what is called feminism in modern society is the musculanisation of women, and their socially organized challenge is marked exclusively in the psycho-historical aspect, where the “gender issue” represents his subject is in the form of some kind of apolitical vengeful victim. How ridiculous against the background of the global catastrophic problems of our world, hell, all this feminist actionism with the pitiful demand of an infinite number of rights! And all this is in the frank liberal capitalist paradigm! It is impossible to imagine such fundamentalist emancipated feminine-minded women as Alexandra Kollontai, Rosa Luxemburg, Frida Kallo or fiery fighters Ulrich Meinhof and Fusako Sigenobu who, instead of direct social action and entering the class struggle, “begging” their rights in street performances with banners, where inscriptions shout about some kind of repressive sexism and gender violence …

“Make yourself a start” in a business or career actually dozens, a few of the overwhelming majority, come from families of representatives from a meager middle class formed by the ruling class and government officials

I know modern girls who, starting to think independently, want to participate in public and political life. They also do not want to accept capitalist norms that alienate a person from a person and make a woman a subject of trade. They have developed a sense of self as a socially-creative unit capable of personal growth. They understand that if you are repelled by a passive role intended for you by a capitalist society, do not expect any superlong ways for yourself, simply because you are a woman, and this is probably the main thing. This gives me hope, because a society that forms not only the masculine has prospects for the development of revolutionary consciousness in general.

You are one of the main commissars of the new left-wing social spontaneous action movement – the Southeast Star resistance movement, which is international, which in your South Russian segment includes more than a hundred volunteers, women and men. How do you manage to cope with their responsibilities, given that you are a family woman?

AA: Well, first of all, I would not say that I cope with all my duties myself – that would be impossible without the help of my comrades. At the origin of the International Social Action of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR, we formed the rules of its existence as a Marxist organization, the very basis of which is based on the principle of collegiality (except, of course, the X hour, when it is inevitable However, even with such principles, it is often de facto that the last word and the decision is often left to one of the Network Commissioners. Decisions made are often not easy and not a lot of time. The organizations, over time, with numerical growth, degenerate into cumbersome, with a large number of written and unwritten rules that impede the organization’s activities, but the back of our experience is more than a century of experience of the Communist Parties of various countries, counting the French commune … we have a sacred egalitarianism, and we, the SOUTHEASTERN STAR, were lucky in principle – we live in a country that was once transformed by the Great October Revolution, which half a century before the appearance of feminism in the USA the social system, reaching decades of existence of equal status of women in the socio-political field … Personally, the regional-ethnic factor helps me cope with my commissar duties: in the south of Russia, as in general, in most of its suburbs, where the Cossacks settled, traditionally women was up to par and not comparable with the same role in central Russia. For the simple historical reason that the male population was often absent in the Cossack villages – it was at the teachings, the remaining Cossacks should have been able not only to raise children, to preserve life and customs, but – if necessary, with weapons in their hands to defend their villages from enemies After all, marginal Russia coexisted with different peoples and ethnic groups, often like in the Caucasus, far from being friendly to the Cossacks. This is how the mentality of the woman of the South of Russia was formed: independence in decision-making, the ability not only to manage, but also to fight. I will not delve into our genetic Sarmatian Antiquities, where the Amazon-horsewoman, elected leaders of the steppe nomadic tribal unions, shone in the military-democratic communitarian world …

So the fact that I am a family man – I have a teenage daughter – only adds strength to my civic conscious awareness of the need to fight Capital, crushing the whole world and depersonalizing young people.

However, in my activities I often encounter a very strange reaction of many new contact persons on social networks, often among those who consider themselves to be a radical left political camp (which a priori implies the support of women – political activists): as soon as some of my new ” my friends will find out that I am the leader, or rather, one of the leaders of the Marxist internationalist organization, immediately change to an ironic tone, implying, by default, what can be expected from a woman in politic What a fight? ”; – and continue to show inexplicable mistrust. Yes, I am the Commissioner of the Network Rates of the Russian segment of the internationalist resistance movement “SOUTHEASTERN STAR”, which here has 117 active volunteers, 98 fighters and 19 faithful combat comrades. And I have the constant and simultaneous connection with the 17th Network Betting from 17 countries of the world; and also partially present the SOUTHEASTERN STAR on social networks, since we decided to go out this way. I, like other commissioners, have many responsibilities: to coordinate dynamic international work and organize meetings of foreign comrades, to distribute the powers and capabilities of members of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR in the preparation of international events and operations and some other duties. But such a number of responsibilities in the organization of affairs arose gradually, as it grew and developed, and for a long time we went to the present stage – the transformation of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR into a real international movement, therefore, these duties are perceived by me organically. My international life experience helps me: since my youth I participated in the Interbrigade movement, communicating with comrades from left movements, mostly from Latin American countries, I have developed an image of a politically active female activist. I remember how among the Chilean participants of the Interdvizhenie with particular trepidation were Communist girls from Latin America who came to our country to study from countries with fascist regimes – some Chileans were in the dungeons of the Pinochet regime. One of them was kidnapped during torture in a prison cell, she was often ill. I was friends with her, as with an older friend. Therefore, I have my own accounts with capitalist neo-colonialism, which generates inhuman regimes, in which even in our time, like in Honduras, Puerto Rico and Argentina, the ultra-right Death Squads and pro-government paramilitaries Aguilas Negras, and also similar to them. In adolescence, the ideal of imitation for me was not pop or even rock stars, but such communist women as the Spanish Communist Party leader Dolores Ibarurri; My Chilean friend Sonja Corrillo, who participated in the armed urban terrorist struggle Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria, is against the Pinochet regime; – or as Ashraf Dehgani, – I also learned about her in the Labor Interbrigade named after him. V. Khary Iranian underground workers are a communist Jamshid and an activist of “Tude” comrade Teymuri, political emigrants who after graduating from the Moscow University of Peoples Friendship (UDN) studied in graduate school. – Iranian communist, partisan, in the eighties of the twentieth century. who became the leader of the national partisan fidainits. This movement, true to the South Asian model of Marxism, broke away from the Iranian party OFPIN because of its commitment to nationalism. Ashraf Dehgani led the resistance group of the Iranian partisan fidainit against the Shah regime, and then against the subsequent Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship, which naturally turned out to be even more inhuman and antisocial than the pro-capitalist, but still secularized and democratic Pahlavi dynasty , overthrown by blood, guns and heroism of progressive socialist and communist Iranian formations. After the power in Iran during the Islamic Revolution was replaced by the regime of religious ayatollahs, Ashraf was arrested several times by the special services – the “Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution”, was tortured in prison, but did not break – made a successful escape and continued the fight … Now we are translating and the publication of her autobiographical book on the struggle “Torture and Resistance In Iran”, and I have an indirect connection with Dehgani. And in 1999, when I lived and worked for some time in Sandinista Nicaragua, in the city of Leon, I had the honor of shaking hands with Comandante Dora, known as one of the leaders of the Sandinista Revolution. In the late 90s, Dora Maria Teljes was the Combat Brigadier of the headquarters of the Western Partisan Front of the Sandinista National Liberation Army (Rigoberto Lopez Peres Brigade). At the present time, the heroic Nicaraguan revolutionary (which, by the way, Gabriel Garcia Marquez himself described in one of his books), unbroken, despite its age, is also involved in politics, considering it necessary to be among the “left opposition” to the sole SFNO leader Daniel Ortega.

Can we, from this point of view of modern society, observe a revolutionary struggle at the present time just as our ideological ancestors observed more than a hundred years ago?

AA: Keeping abreast of time is our civic duty: we must not miss the moment when semi-legal activities will have to be replaced by open revolutionary struggle. I have an unshakable conviction shared by my comrades in the SOUTHEASTERN STAR that the time is not far (approximately, spring of 2022) – which we are actively preparing for, and we are also trying to bring closer with our struggle – when around the world one by one the lights will come on Revolutions burning out the entire old capitalist world order; and then – the global construction of a new, just and truly civilized society will begin. I do not guarantee that these processes will begin, this time, from Russia, despite the fact that we are actively preparing for this in the marginal regions of the country – South Russia, the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus and part of the Transcaucasus, South Urals, and Western Siberia. I will not exaggerate, in these regions our active and faithful comrades are not dizzyingly many; Our organization in the integration of volunteers always relied not on the quantity but on the quality of our combat units. Yes, Russia – as an object of armed revolutionary action, on the one hand – is very important as a detonation function – for the rest, smaller countries of Europe and Asia, besides ideologically literate and having minimal physical and combat training of human potential, – in our list regions of the country have already accumulated by 2019. But, on the other hand, Russia is a huge Eurasian country that embarked on the path of capitalist development for the 2nd time in history – and for this reason was late for the “world pie” section (globalization, as we can understand, having penetrated into history, does not happen for the first time, and each time on the basis of the hegemony of this or that bourgeois empire, now it is the former opponent of the former, equal in strength to the Soviet Union – the United States, which, despite the fact that many people are predicting the imminent end of domination, everything still safely are the world hegemon in unipolar world). In terms of its economic development, our country now occupies a very unproductive place in the top, almost equal to third world countries. Therefore, here every social and political subject not sponsored by the state has to find the means for existence, and not just existence – active activity. A certain economic minimum is also necessary for the existence and realization of the revolutionary potential of the Southeast Star. What makes our FCF (Friendly Community Funds) in the Russian segment of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR – if it is replenished, it is almost immediately depleted, despite the fact that we actively collect amounts for their replenishment, earning, often extremely limiting ourselves in personal funds. The elementary program minimum budget of the Funds of Russian Network Rates requires today monetary funds: for training equipment for military field training, the acquisition of units of special technical equipment, old vehicles, bribing small regional officials, as well as law enforcement officers and, first and foremost, for coordinating personal trips (which are required when setting up the next overseas rate of the organization or the next international event), etc. But the capitalist fiction called the “global crisis” is implicit in our world, so that today’s proletarians — like all workers in employment, ranging from a working large enterprise and a miner to a programmer and freelancer — did not even think about the possibility of resistance, about the possibility to break the backbone of Capital and rebuild society on a new, equitable socio-economic basis. To only care about how to simply survive, not to leave hungry themselves and their families, living on the verge of existence. At the moment, our comrades, our combat-ready contingent, in principle, overcame this barrier, learned during the years of revolutionary asceticism – in the name of an organization bringing the series of Revolutionary Actions in the regions closer – the engine of the upcoming serial Revolutions in Europe, Russia and South Asia. Interregional revolutionary committees, which are actively formed in all countries where Network Betting or the primary organized formations of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR exist, are created in order to “ignite” the federal centers and capitals that are today the foundations of World Capital. Our internationalist network currently includes much smaller countries — with much more vulnerable security structures of the local ruling classes than in the Russian Federation. In this regard, the economic comradely balance of the Russian segment of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR is currently being spent much more actively than it is replenished: our expenses go primarily to air travel and railway crossings – in the direction of those small, but revolutionary promising countries, which I have just said. The purpose of this political routing is in-person group meetings in places remote from the possible control of the special services; instruction from more experienced comrades; joint field training. The maximum mobilization of an international volunteer human resource includes 5–8 experienced fighters from 7 countries, “tourists” traveling to a strategically chosen country, in order to prepare a revolutionary direct action. In this country, they must prepare the necessary ground – at the moment of the highest readiness of the communists there – our comrades-in-arms, so that at the time of the ripening of a revolutionary situation “shoot” not just mass rallies, but the most valuable resistant anti-constitutional and decentralized revolutionary coup. Further, in neighboring countries, everything will go according to the principle of “Bickford fuse”.

In support of this strategy, which has never been revealed anywhere else in an open media space, I want to quote simultaneously the creators and heroes of the Great October Socialist Revolution — Comrade Stalin and Comrade Trotsky; the latter seems to you, Comrade. Gordan, not close, but still venture. Stalin wrote in his work “On the Foundations of Leninism” of 1924: “… to overthrow the power of the bourgeoisie and put the power of the proletariat in one country does not mean to ensure the complete victory of socialism. Having consolidated its power and leading the peasantry, the proletariat of the victorious country can and must build a socialist society. But does this mean that he will thereby achieve the complete, final victory of socialism, i.e. Does this mean that he can finally consolidate socialism with the forces of only one country and fully guarantee the country against intervention and, therefore, against restoration? No, it does not mean. For this, the victory of the revolution is necessary in at least several countries. Therefore, the development and support of the revolution in other countries is an essential task of the victorious revolution. Therefore, the revolution of the victorious country should consider itself not as a self-sufficient quantity, but as an aid, as a means to accelerate the victory of the proletariat in other countries. Lenin expressed this idea in a nutshell, saying that the task of the victorious revolution is to carry out “the maximum possible in one country for the development, support, and awakening of the revolution in all countries.” Comrade Trotsky already in 1930 in the fundamental, though controversial, book “Permanent Revolution” left us a very important message, which we understand especially deeply 90 years later: “… A revolution, in the sense that Marx gave this concept, means revolution, not reconciled with any form of class domination, not stopping at a democratic stage, going over to socialist measures and to war against external reaction, a revolution, each subsequent stage of which is laid down in the previous one, and which can only end with complete liquidation action of class society. ”

The inevitability of the world socialist Revolution, about which K. Marx spoke, is being proved in our time – it is proceeding in stages, but constantly: – we know about the heroic struggle of the Communist-combatants from Indonesia, being waged right now. About the rising popular anger of Latin Americans against the US attempts to resume domination in their region, and the more they manage to do this, as happened recently in Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador, the more powerful the resistance will be. However, in Europe, as in our country, in Russia, it is still far from the conscious will of the working people, the readiness to stand against the advancing Capital. On the old European continent, the “New Left” that finally emerged still have a lot and a lot of work – and first of all it is necessary to accomplish, as A. Gramshi wrote, a “revolution in the minds of exploited classes”, organize themselves inside of themselves, rally the ranks of fighters into the uniform People’s Militia. Our civilization, led by the neoliberal ruling elite, has approached a dead end. Its crisis can lead either to the Third World War – it is in a single “hot spot” for some of the parties struggling for resources and influence, in the heat of the moment, a little “press”, and the balance in the world is broken; or — the nazification that is now occurring in many EU countries, generated and actively exported by Mr. Putin’s presidential team, will lead South-Eastern Europe, and then the rest of Europe, into the “embrace of the new fascism”. If a massive popular resistance movement arises in at least one of the regions of the world, the resistant wave will lead to a phenomenon resembling a snow fall in the mountains: when a shot is enough in one place, an avalanche rushes down. I hope that you and I will be witnesses and participants in a conscious Socialist resistance … However, this time the new socialist Revolution, which is in the vanguard of the struggle, will arise, in my opinion, not in Europe. We are already seeing the emergence of a resistant wave in the countries of the “third world”: communicating with representatives of left-wing parties and movements in Latin America and Southeast Asia, we have seen how “passionary” they are and full of revolutionary energy. This is also evidenced by the huge protest avalanche that swept across India: in these demonstrations, goals were clearly stated and stated, and it is significant that in many cities and towns of India demonstrations were held under banners with a sickle and hammer and banners with portraits of V.I. Lenin.

My personal opinion is that today’s leftists face not only external risks and problems, but also internal ones that create obstacles for the general ideological struggle with international capital. These things are generated by inexperience, because they really do not know how real class battles take place? What do you think about it?

AA: Yes, I agree with you – one of the main problems at the moment is that the old European Communist Parties and the social. the movements, having undergone a serious devaluation of socialist Marxist ideas, are rapidly losing electorate and sympathizers. They can gain their former strength only if political activists, old or new, gradually moving out of the people, have the wisdom to understand that the time has come for a serious reformatting of the whole range of views, along with a creative rethinking of the experience of their organization and the entire world. experience, not obscuring anything from the complex, ever-changing reality and the risks posed to them by history. I am far from taking the next wave of European protests, such as the modern “yellow vest movement,” as the beginning of a revolutionary upsurge of the masses in Europe. Such chaotic protest exhausts, local or even thousands, in Europe happen almost every year, without going beyond the nomination of specific, not so significant demands dictated by short-term economic problems. To understand why this happens, it is enough to analyze these requirements. Then you see that all this is like a mirror amalgam reflecting rapidly changing pictures. The problem, it seems to me, is that the emergence of a broad protest movement does not coincide with the nomination of strong leaders, which is not happening yet. They must be firmly convinced of what the requirements, expressed in the social needs of working people violated by the bourgeoisie, lead the people in the struggle, and where to send spontaneous protest energy. If there are leaders, unfortunately, they are not “tempted by the power”; there is often a pattern: activists ’associations join a party or a movement that doesn’t have time to get through to the emergence of a social political mass movement, before the working masses come to them, who are no longer able to live as before and are ready to protest even spontaneously: the backbone of the activist leaders easily deformed by personal ambition. And unorganized, spontaneous protest movements, sweeping across the socio-political landscape, even if they gather tens of thousands, but pass without clear political slogans that go beyond immediate problems, are doomed to a regressive decline, thereby causing further political apathy of the mass consciousness. And this is unacceptable. I would call the next set of problems the influence of the human factor, when the main obstacle to the social revolution is the catastrophic separation of the party elite from its lower members. This happens often – sometimes with lightning speed, when, at the beginning of the formation of a party or movement, activists are more busy with their differences with comrades on various theoretical issues, leaving unnoticed essentially for themselves suddenly arising from time to time in a crisis capitalist existence internal, mental inquiries the masses of radical social change! One cannot be completely objective, looking at the past from the height of his time. However, if you recall the historical “lessons”, one of the clearest examples of this situation is the experience of the German Revolution, which is exactly one hundred years apart from us. In its beginning, there were all signs of a revolutionary situation, and then – a tragic failure followed, ending with the shootings of two of the strongest, most likely leaders – Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. The remaining representatives of the party elite of the German Social Democratic Party were drawn into endless theoretical political debates, not noticing the suffering of their people. The young members of the working masses returned from the terrible imperialist war, gaining a terrible, belated understanding: patriotism was in no way to do with it, and this is a massacre imposed by the ruling elites, which carried away a huge number of their friends. In this case, the German party elite only needed to be more sensitive to the masses. They, as we “saw” in the talented prose of the German writer E.M. Remarque – a participant in the fighting on the western front – leading young people to demonstrations, led to their headquarters (from which there were absolutely no maxims left) – and threw out indignant and actually ready for rebellion people for many hours perplexedly awaited the next appeals of headquarters party leaders. “The German Revolution, shot by soldiering rifles,” in its cause had the betrayal of leaders who could not at the right time turn these soldiering rifles against a common enemy – the German bourgeoisie, profiting from the war. The left-wing movement in Germany choked, although – there was a huge potential in it. The protest sentiments of the German frontline youth were taken advantage of by the radical left-wing national socialist movement that replaced the left.

The Eastern bloc that appeared after the Second World War was under the great influence of the winning country, the USSR. However, the coming after the death of Comrade Stalin to power the Menshevik- villageman and a pseudo-communist, Khrushchev, suspended the progressive development of both the USSR and socialism in the countries of Eastern Europe, causing, after some time, a massive stagnation of the 80s. Those hopes that the European Social Democrats of the 1990s shared, in spite of the change in the socio-political landscape of their countries, could not but be just illusory. The restructuring of the 1990s turned out to be Thermidor, and instead of the transformation of the communist parties of the countries of the Eastern bloc, in accordance with the demand of history, there was a devaluation of all left values; the victory of the complex of neo-liberal ideas common to Western Europe of that time was already not far away.

Perhaps, I repeat, but it seems to me and my comrades that the “ghost of Communism”, about which the Soviet poet Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote, left the European continent, seems to me and my friends for a long time in XX. Perhaps he will find bright and vibrant colors in India, Southeast Asia, ASEAN countries and, possibly, in the Balkan countries of Europe. In any case, the new socialist experiment, in which all the creative forces of the modern progressive masses of working people will be involved, this time will begin in one of the third world countries. Therefore, we are busy with the active establishment of international relations both with the countries of East Asia, Hindustan, and with the countries of the “flaming continent” – Latin America.

Now, while in Europe, neo-conservative, right-populist political forces are increasingly winning, producing a slow but stubborn nazification of European countries with the help of crypto-fascist ideas, dusty and seemingly history deferred to the farthest corner … New Fascism is what we should not allow in Europe in any case.

However, we do not lose hope, and I think that everything is not so simple. Yes, the skills of the social and political struggle are not transferred to people as acquired, changing their genetics instincts, as well as the ability to navigate class battles. Simply – it is necessary to work with people, explaining to them the foundations of Marxism and the possibilities of scientific socialist methods for transforming post-capitalist societies, whose neo-liberal ideological complex has failed. To do this, you need to use all available tribunes for agitation – from open, personal (including work in social networks) to more ambitious, gradually switching to accounts that are opaque for our opponent’s special services (such as TOR, for example).

We see Europe today advocating the so-called democratic socialism of the 21st century. Is it also a recipe for you in the struggle against the existing capitalist system, and is it possible to achieve success without the use of scientific socialism?

AA: Good question, dear amigo! And, by the way, the true theorists and practitioners of Marxism always attached great importance to it – in this case I would like to quote V.I. Lenin, from his grandiose work “The State and the Revolution”: “… Dialectics is replaced by eclecticism: this is the most common, the most widespread phenomenon in the official Social Democratic literature of our days in relation to Marxism … When faking Marxism for opportunism, forgery of eclecticism under dialectics is most easily deceived gives the seeming satisfaction, supposedly takes into account all aspects of the process, all development trends, all contradictory influences and so on, but in fact does not provide any integral and revolutionary understanding ECCA social development …

First answer the second part of your question.

Any protest revolutionary communist, socialist practice is doomed to failure, – without first studying the classics that gave us the basic fundamental theory of social revolution. For almost 30 years, the sad and shameful defaults of illiterate “left” formations have occurred, the activists of which seem not to have an idea of ​​what is stated in the fundamental works of Marx and Engels. It makes no sense to litter our dialogue by listing hundreds of similar organizations in the newest political history of Europe.

As volunteers of an organization that have been practicing the strategy of entrysm for many years, we do not exclude that among the apologists and activists who are moving forward in the European Union countries the conceptual project of the next “socialism”, “Socialism 2.0”, is our potential associates, like-minded people with whom go to a constructive friendly dialogue. However, we, as the international revolutionary movement of people who identify themselves as social communists, faithfully follow the paradigm of basic classical scientific socialism. And – we criticize such an artificial bourgeois hybrid as “democratic socialism”, the various versions of which the capitalist countries of Europe proclaimed as their goal from the beginning of the 20th century. and to this day. There is no innovation here, comrade Gordan … Thus, the model of “democratic socialism” was adhered to and adheres to the leadership of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Austrian Socialist Party (SPA) and the Labor Party of Great Britain. At the same time, their leadership on fundamental issues departed from the position of scientific socialism, having entered into an agreement with state-monopoly capitalism. First of all, they are related by the reformist concept of property belonging to the system of bourgeois theories of property, which is an integral part of “Democratic Socialism”. I do not want to analyze it here, it covers a wide range of views that have arisen in the course of historical development as a deviation from the teachings of scientific socialism. The trouble is that this coalescence in theory with the bourgeois classes of the modern concept of democratic socialism has, in fact, become an ideological doctrine that plays a special role in the apology of the modern state-monopoly system: using the idea of ​​“transforming” capitalism into a new social system ( socialism) they want, putting forward a dubious alternative to the teachings of Marxism-Leninism about the inevitability of the socialist revolution, to push this doctrine into a “shadow of history”. The Social Democrats have also proclaimed a long time ago that a fair social system can be reached through reforms, i.e., by gradual “improvement” and “modernization”, to transform the existing capitalist social order without affecting its foundations – class contradictions, which thus not removed. Representatives of “democratic socialism” camouflage their teachings with pseudo-socialist phraseology, giving out reform reforms as a “third way” to escape. Their efforts are aimed at discrediting the ideas of Marxism and socialism in the eyes of the working people. In the leadership of the majority of the Social-Democratic and Socialist parties united in the Socialist International, the anti-communist line prevails at the present time. The basis of “democratic socialism” is not a single and complete theoretical concept, but rather an eclectic combination of the numerous, extremely diverse views and ideas expressed in the present and past by revisionists and opportunists, theorists of the big bourgeoisie and neoliberals. In the opinion of the Social Democrats, the development of democratic institutions and the wide participation of workers in public and political life — through mass organizations, influence and “control” of public opinion, through democratic parliamentary elections and public participation in legislation, “transforms” the political sphere of life and from the political point of view, it will give workers wide opportunities to influence socio-economic relations and, of course, property. At the end of the twentieth century. they believed that in this case, developed democracy is increasingly penetrating “inside” production relations, inside ownership, pushing aside large owners and entrepreneurs, increasing the influence of workers and their organizations on exercising the powers of ownership, on managing enterprises, turning workers into small but massive shareholders . Reality has shown that growing TNCs ultimately ignored both workers’ rights and the achievements of a developed democracy — even the examples of reforms that they previously cited, such as the growth of state ownership of the means of production and the introduction of a progressive income scale, have their opposite side — in most countries There was a merging of corporations with the ruling state elites, which abolished including the system of progressive taxes … From a Marxist point of view, the reason for what happened is clear – the state arterial power, as a suppression system, will serve the interests of the bourgeois class — monopoly capital, instilling democratic and pseudo-socialist illusions with the help of social democratic parties, greatly exaggerating the possibilities of democracy under modern capitalism. Bourgeois democracy remains the power of capital, able to circumvent and nullify many democratic gains of the masses, use partial concessions to strengthen their domination, and use not democratic, but openly violent and lawless terrorist means of protecting their interests. Ownership of the means of production, changing — sometimes quite substantially and symptomatically — their legal forms, remains capitalist. Yes, as one of the directions of the process of accumulating the prerequisites of the inevitable revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism, Marxism-Leninism recognizes the great importance of the struggle for the all-round development of democracy, its achievements and institutions. But the theoretical foundations of the views of the Social Democrats, long ago coinciding with the main bourgeois theoretical trends and thus creating a distorted picture of the development of monopoly capitalism into a state-monopoly, supposedly just order, completely devalued the concept of “democratic socialism”. The once “naive” ideas of social decks about the “transformation” of capitalism (which should have happened due to the emergence and growth of socialist elements within capitalist society and through gradual evolution), which can automatically transform into a different non-capitalist type of society, cannot be reanimated. It will be either false, opportunistic falsification, or – thoughtlessness, criminal ignorance of recent history.

I think that most of my comrades agree with me that in recent years no one has been seduced by the social democratic movements, which in most developed countries of the world have become renegades, both in theory and in practice, in the context of sporadic manifestations of the class fight So, to the question you suggested about the fact that “Europe stands for so-called democratic socialism of the 21st century.” I will tell you absolutely: for us it is not only not a recipe for the fight against the capitalist system. Yes, in the very definition of “democratic socialism” there is nothing wrong — simply applying to the representatives of the most impoverished countries of the European Union is absurd. Eurosceptics who speak for him will at best get another “Syriza” compiled from left-populist simulacra. We know what the victorious arrival of the Greek “Syriza” to power ended in: Tsipras, in order to remain in power for a little more – feverishly had to grab margin loans …

Tell me, comrade Alyona, what kind of combat strategy does the South-Eastern Star organization practice today?

AA: Oh, my dear comrade, this is a natural, but the most difficult question for a full answer! Yes, but this question is very popular with my interlocutors – especially the Russian “left-wing journalists”, 95% of whom are supervised by the operational officers of the UFSB.

I do not have authority from my comrades and members of the International Coordination Commissariat of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR to disclose in the open information space more detailed details of the combat strategy of our revolutionary organization. You understand this perfectly well, Comrade Gordan: “The trained guard dogs of Capital” – special services and intellectual services that ensure the safety of the business community of the ruling bourgeois classes, monitor the global Internet network 24 hours a day – in search of statements emanating from possible resistant combat-ready both religious and left radical formations, their political programs and combat strategies. Do not underestimate or ignore such a danger. However, nevertheless, I can explain to you, as our close friend, some theoretical and practical aspects of our many years of international strategic action, without going into particular details.

It may sound strange, but I will foresee my answer with a quote from the eternal opponent of our revolutionary classics, citizen Kautsky, who correctly noted in 1900: “We know that the coming crisis will bring us new forms of struggle that we cannot yet foresee now.

And, indeed, our personal experience of 7 years of internationalist political work, full of victories and mistakes, is primary. And, already, the theory of the practical realization of our international social-communist action is secondary, because its pages are written by our laboratory based primarily on many-year personal empiricism.

However, our experience as an instruction for attack and defense is still too weak and far from perfect without those works of the 20th century devoted to the practical resistant struggle that our heroic predecessors left to our generations in immortal texts.

We believe that we must be ready and pass on to our successors the ability to orient ourselves, if necessary, in the basic methods of partisan warfare, both in general and in urban areas. Since the modern partisan war in its entirety is a complex process, supplemented by a complex doctrine carried out on the basis of one or another set of ideas with which its participants will be armed, it is necessary to study the work, which summarizes the tactics and strategy of resistance in conditions and cities and natural landscapes – The Brazilian Guerilla (A Short Textbook of the Urban Partisan) by Carlos Marigella; We believe that the work carried out on the experience of the Cuban revolution – Urban Guerrilla by Ernesto Che Guevara can be used in various reference works, such as, for example, On Guerrilla War Mao Tse Dong. The use of the three-phase Maoist model of guerrilla warfare implies: the first stage, when the guerrillas must enlist the support of the population through visual attacks on the government apparatus and the propaganda and agitation of their ideas among the rest of the population: the second stage is the commission of more and more frequent government attacks; and finally, at the third stage, people must master the basics of military theory, tactics and strategies in order to use conventional military operations to capture cities, overthrow the government and establish control over the country. Even more popular than Mao’s book among our comrades in the course was the printed manual on the people’s war of the Vietnamese military leader and theorist W. Nguyen Gyap “People’s War, People’s Army”, which, following the Maoist three-step approach, places greater emphasis on flexible switching between mobile and partisan war, being at the junction of their optimal possibilities for a spontaneous “general uprising” in conjunction with guerrilla forces.

We, of course, give the report that this set of instructions for practical action in the context of the era of high-tech street control over the civilian population of our countries, in a number of technical aspects, has become outdated in a fundamental way. But this problem was also thoroughly thought out by the initial composition of the Internationalist Council of the Coordinating Commissariat – as early as 2012 – immediately after the first constituent meeting of our network organization, which took place in the Camp Siham, on the Island of Cuba. Then, at the international Revolutionary Council of the beginning of 2013, held in the Serbian cities of Novi Sad and Kragujevac, where, among others, commissioners and volunteers of the Network Stakes of Russia, Nicaragua, Slovakia and Ireland participated, among them were not only humanists, but also several graduates in the field of IT-technologies, technical security tools, who initiated the creation of a permanent international working group on adaptation and editing of proven methods to the complex conditions of the 21st century. I can responsibly declare that after 6 years of these difficult laboratory works, to date – the work of the group has been completed. The works of the early V.Lenin, Ernesto Guevara, Carlos Marigella, Vo Nguyen Gyapa – are available today by our organization in the form of refined ready-made electronic methodological manuals in English, Spanish, Farsi and Russian languages ​​and are absolutely ready for effective implementation in practice before the 20s 21st century.

Given all the mistakes, to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Marxist and socialist parties and movements that lost their electorate led to a dead end – we worked out our strategy on the basis of those who had already worked in the past, realizing that in a situation that has developed in the modern world socio-political landscape, with the possibility of an absolute impasse in the development of capitalist society, at any moment that could result in the destabilization of entire regions, we simply do not have the moral right to make mistakes that can become fatal. By collective efforts we have worked out a program of social communist militarized transregionalism. The tactical actions here are phased, unauthorized class resistance, coordinated by our network proto-International. Dynamic revolutionary action in many directions also implies the ability to clearly “mirror” the methods of bourgeois political technologists: if they have long been using the “controlled chaos theory”, creating destabilization situations in many countries with hostile rule, we are also ready for the maximum creation of a destabilization situation in the imperialist powers – with decentralizing tactics, working in the strictest coordination with regional left-wing political formations in 12 – 15 countries of the world, which It will reveal the first weak spot in the world bourgeois international, led by the IMF. When making this or that decision (if you have to take it outside of the presence of all Network Commissioners), we take into account that they delegated their rights to us. After all, collegiality also introduces risk – the risk of such a phenomenon that the revolutionary poet Vladimir Mayakovsky denounced in his poetic criticism, calling the modern party to him – “sat down.” We do not want to “sit”, especially since now there are almost always opportunities for cyber communication (at the same time – not transparent for our enemies) – in order to correct our activities as accurately as possible. It so happened that I already have experience in making different regional situations (mainly in terms of our international assistance) spontaneous, but, if possible, the most objectified decisions and actions, and, after a while, after they were approved by my fellow commissioners, I have the right to believe that I was able to make the right decision, in accordance with the main course of our activity, without taking it aside, by following the path of creative rethinking of all our theoretical (strategic and tactical)  developments applied to each situation.

As for the direct issue of training fellow volunteers – both the Russian segment and other Network Rates of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR, here everything happens approximately symmetrically: there is a semi-annual theoretical training course; then examinations on the theory of Marxism, the history of its interpretation, the history of the revolutionary movements of the 19th and 20th centuries; exam on the basics of conspiratorial practice. The next stage is joint participation in the annual military field gatherings, in which both experienced volunteers and recruits take part. I can not detail everything that is used in our Network Rates of the countries of the European Union, the countries of South Asia, the Middle East and big America. But our field camps are held with the participation of instructors – veterans of local wars, soldiers-internationalists who faithfully joined our organization in 2013-2014, i.e. at the source of its foundation. Including 2016, with a professional conspiratorial approach, the volunteer comrades of the 11th Network Rate of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR hold annual field camps. The last collections were in the spring of 2016 – in two temporary camps, – in the mountain forest near Abinsk – in the Kuban and in the mountain forest near the village Nar, – in the very south of North Ossetia – already a few kilometers from the Pass. However, in the territory of the Russian Federation, albeit in closed mountain-wooded areas, state security forces are capable of, in the context of “anti-terrorist control from the air,” put an end to such initiatives. Ossetian friends told us that now it has become “dangerous to gather for holidays or birthdays in the mountain forests of North Ossetia — they can be shot from above without knowing who they are liquidating.” In this regard, it is necessary to transfer camps for the SOUTHEASTERN STAR military camps – for example, to the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic within Armenia, near the town of Shusha – on the basis of the Karabakh Dashnak territory, which is friendly to the SOUTHEASTERN STAR (sponsored by the NKR President Bako Sahakyan ). If we take the 7 regions of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, as well as Astrakhan and Voronezh, then the combat-ready asset of volunteers – dashing guys and a small number of girls – 107 people. Naturally, God forbid, that at least a third of the rest of the human composition could afford to go to Nagorno-Karabakh. The friendly communal ticket office is almost empty (compared to the same year 2016), while the former investors (sponsors) of the SOUTHEASTERN STAR now also have problems. By the end of September 2019, something like an international youth congress of “friendship of nations” is planned in Karabakh (or something like that – I don’t know the name for sure – it is sponsored by the new Government of Nikola Pashinyan: For this reason, the arrival in Karabakh SOUTHEASTERN STAR volunteers from different regions of the Russian Federation and the near abroad – scattered groups – will not cause much attention of the Armenian special services …

I, being a woman, and – being a Commissioner, I always feel obligated, on a par with our boys and some girls, to take the most full part in the annual field military exercises; I try not to lose physical fitness. In addition, I was engaged in shooting at the legal level (I have a small sports category). What I am actively teaching my only 15-year-old daughter.

What is the nature of the Russian positions under Putin today in Ukraine and in Syria, in your opinion?

AA: For local tele-cyber-patriots, national communists, imperial-Putinists, and others who joyfully applauded the won “bloody map” of Syria, the Russian positions in Ukraine and Syria are marked by triumphant reports, with the growing spirit of Great Russian patriotism. In a similar situation, if you have the courage to enter into an open social and political dispute, you are poked as a super argument in any controversy by “Putin’s Syria – saving Assad,” and they do not tolerate those who doubt the “victorious foreign policy of the neoliberal post-imperialist (citizen V.V. Putin’s) “. Although most people need a little “educational program.” First of all, it should be noted that in all of this there is not a drop of patriotism, because, in translation from Latin, “Patrio” is the Motherland, and the representatives of different classes, too, are somewhat different. The bourgeois bureaucratic ruling class of Russia in the Eastern Mediterranean region is primarily concerned with its own economic and, in accordance with them, geopolitical interests. Today’s Russia in its foreign policy, taught by the bitter experience of non-participation in military conflicts in Yugoslavia and Libya, where it remained far from the arena of struggle, outside the “sharing” of results, which the Russian big bourgeoisie could not afford, could prevent this from happening. The goal of the Kremlin’s capitalist elites is to support the Syrian regime at all costs so that they are the only ones to control the situation, not the Euro-Atlantic forces. That is, the ruling political class of the country, closely forged with the business elite, in the context of the geopolitical goals of the Russian Federation and its benefits, requires that in this region of the world the parts of the Syrian bourgeoisie represented by the Assad regime (with or without it) would play a leading role in the exploitation of the natural and human resources of their country, and for this to be due to Russia. Such a development of events allows the Russian Federation to break the deadlock situation in Ukraine, makes it possible to take advantage of the contradictions between Germany, France and the USA. In addition, it allows her to find an approach to rapprochement with the regimes of Iran, Iraq and Egypt. The fact that the elites of the Russian Federation are effectively or ineffectively defending their interests in Syria shows whether Russia will be able to manifest and further promote its interests in Central Asia and in other regions in which its capital will continue to penetrate — for example, in Egypt, or Iran In other words, for the Kremlin top, a bet on the preservation of Russian positions in Syria is a kind of “guarantee” for the further penetration of Capital belonging to an oligarchic handful of the ruling class of the Russian Federation to the rest of the region.

In Ukraine, where after the victory of the new president, the former showman Zelensky, who is popular and dismissed the entire government of Poroshenko and all deputies of the Verkhovna Rada right after his inauguration, I think the story will show whether the unnamed perhaps the goals of the new president with the interests of the ruling Russian elites. So far, in his rhetoric, he habitually declares that Crimea should be Ukrainian, and defends the rest of the territories occupied by the Russian forces – but, most likely, Zelensky will gradually give up the fight for Ukrainian territories (well, or surrender these positions unnoticed when, although they will be nominally and Ukrainian (I think that all the same, except for the Crimea, which Moscow capital is actively developing, and it cannot be moved from there), the government will not favor the business plans for these territories of the Ukrainian oligarchs, leaving everything as EU be.

Another glaring moment: starting in 2015 and ending in 2019, President Vladimir Putin 10 times, publicly – before the entire world media space – radically denied any participation of the Russian Federation in direct military aggression in the sovereign territories of Ukraine. The administration of the Official Kremlin refutes the accusations of human rights organizations and the charges of their armed unlawful invasions and constant military operations in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine: The presidential administration’s press service and other media actively pursue the myth that only the indigenous population of south-eastern Ukraine acts independently organized and, referring to a certain “referendum” (not fixed by the Ukrainian regions), which created self-proclaimed quasi-states: “Novorossia “,” Donetsk People’s Republic “and” Lugansk People’s Republic “. Today, only 90% of Russian citizens do not consider this information a myth; and – paradox: often the communists and anti-fascists of Europe are sincerely ready to defend the projects created by the Putin administration for the anti-human geopolitical joint business of the Moscow and Ukrainian bourgeoisie.

Our long-term anti-war independent investigation, if there are appropriate security conditions for the organization and its members, is ready today to reveal to the world the truth about what is happening. We already have irrefutable facts and documentary evidence of the Bonapartist plans of the ruling class of neo-imperialists Putin for 2019: so to speak, about the possible invasion of a limited contingent of Russian armed forces into the territory of Zaporizhzhya and Odessa regions … Our Anti-War Foundation program project threatens the plans of the ruling bourgeois clicks of the two countries – in the form of military maps collected by our comrades, photographs and documents that are capable, with a global information announcement of this data, – to summarize the future bloody war … According to our information, the oligarchic ruling class in Moscow, led by Mr Putin, using the various means, is actively investing in the separatist project “Zaporizhzhya Sich” … And relatively recently from our comrades from Greece, representing the 8th Network Bet (Hellas Headquarters) SOUTHEASTERN STAR, which includes Athens and Thessaloniki, began to receive information that the Russian tobacco billionaire was twice Russian State Duma Deputy Ivan Savvidi, who has both Russian and Greek citizenship and representing the Putin party of power “United Russia” – directly implicated in the above processes, namely – in the clever scheme of investing the next conflict-causing pro-Kremlin project (with the working version of the name “Russian Zaporozhye” or “Zaporizhzhya Sich”) within sovereign Ukraine: how Since the beginning of 2018, the representative of the ruling class and the big Russian bourgeoisie, Mr. Ivan Savvidi, in the rapidly impoverished Greek Thessaloniki, opens the rich investment charity organization to the English-speaking Greeks of Ukraine ”, which, in turn, is a subsidiary of the Russian“ IG Savмdi Foundation ”. Is this something that says something, dear Gordan? .. Further: during 2018-2019. Mr. Savvidi, the trustee of President Putin, representing his political and economic interests, seemingly exclusively within the borders of Greece, holds dozens of meetings with visitors from Ukraine arriving at the Foundation for Assisting Russian-speaking Greeks of Ukraine who leave after each meeting with I. Savvidi with suitcases of cash arriving through Mr. Savvidi from Moscow. Who is the “object of charity” in this story? .. Who are these beggars “Russian-speaking Greeks of Ukraine”? .. I answer: this is Mr. Macropulo – the head of the Greek community of Melitopol in the Zaporozhye region, owning a restaurant and the largest construction company in the city, and Mrs. Pichadzhi – Chairman of the World Council of Greeks Abroad, Head of the Greek Society of Mariupol, Donetsk Region. The immediate witness of these processes is our close person, whose name and position I simply don’t want to make publicly available – because at least I, as a native of Rostov-on-Don, are widely known for the criminal inclinations of Mr. Savvidy . And this is just one example of how a vassal of the Putin Kremlin, not the first year scandalously operating in the Balkans, almost openly makes bloody Moscow investments — through tax-free national diaspora associations in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions to unleash another civil war in Ukraine, as a result – the implementation of the next neo-colonial “Putin Plan”.

For a while you were in the ranks of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua; therefore, comment on how you assess the situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela now and the policy of President Maduro?

AA: With your permission, companiero Gordan, I will begin the answer with a fragment from the last, deathbed interview of our comrade Hugo Chávez … Departing from life and, perhaps, realizing that his powerful successor, is simply doomed to failure, Comrade Hugo Interview Guidance Awesomely Quote VI. Lenin, the Leader of the World Revolution: “Any revolution only then is worth something if it can defend itself.” Unfortunately, in the face of the ambitious successor of his great predecessor, Comrade Hugo – in Nicholas Maduro, who in recent years seems to check every step with a fictitious and formidable projection called “world democratic community”, we saw the leader-victim; a leader capable of practically ruining such a promising project as the ALBA Alliance, but not able to defend the Bolivirian Republic left in his responsible legacy …

Let me give here another quotation, less well-known – it belongs to Comandante Ruben, from an independent volunteer formation, which for the second year has not come out of the mountains, which are the natural border between Colombia and Venezuela: “Maduro“ tightened the noose around our neck and put the entire Bolirivian Socialist Venezuela on a catastrophic region, trying to use the uncontrolled importation of funds from the Internal Enemy – to patch the holes of a huge deficit and increasing poverty of the 5s “abandoned” to them in the floor cally races Venezuelan state. ” This Boliviran commander, loyal to the cause of Hugo Chávez, and several years ago, together with his comrades, have been sabotaging attacks from beyond the Colombian border of British and North American PMCs and Colombian paramilitaries organized by them. N.Maduro rejected the proposal of Tupamaro to arrange our small armed groups as “people’s militia”, observers scattered throughout all major cities of all the states of Venezuela. He was ashamed to “press” international observers. As a result, the real victory of the opposition representatives in the 7 strategic states of Venezuela: Sucre, Zulia, Vargas, Portuguesa, Barinas, Falcon and Guarika. And the shameful manipulation of the results by the people of Maduro from PSUV, with a solemn declaration about the victory of the ruling socialist regions in 2017, which enabled the “global community” to talk about the machinations and falsification methods of the successor of Hugo Chávez. After that, Maduro’s status fell dramatically – from 47% of those supporting him (or more precisely the Bolivirian government) to 30% of the population in some regions of Venezuela. The problem is, ”continues the commander,“ that by making the above proposal to the president, “we didn’t want to frighten anyone in the election districts; our task was to control in order to avoid bribing thousands of people from these most socially disadvantaged states by the people of Enrique Capriles and Leopoldo Lopez … And it happened. ” For example, 15 organizations included in the “Round Table of Democratic Unity” – MUD, stamped by the political-technological team (standing advisory group ”-“ ​​Standing Advisory Group ”of Enrique Capriles Rodonsky, now in a temporary“ political shadow ”) – were simply brought in bags and boxes in 2017 – 2018, and at the beginning of January 2019 – “cash” on the territory of Venezuela – under the guise of “humanitarian assistance” to the most crisis states of the country. These “money caravans” of the MUD were brought into Venezuela by “volunteers” lopesidas – through the border points of Colombia (for example, through San Antonio del Tachira) ”. As far as Comandante Ruben is aware, the former city political leadership – represented by Camilio Altamirano, who has contacts in the special service of SEBIN (whose employees are now trying to control the main border points – with Colombia, Brazil and Peru) handed over a command from the top management to these border service officers if the bags, boxes and containers arriving in the transport for crossing the Colombian-Venezuelan border, will be stamped “Programa humanitario ALBA – a pedido PSUV” – overlook their contents … D Lee Border Service officers recorded on photo and video shooting in this manner marked goods which, according to our comrades, repeatedly passed through the border – on the territory of Venezuela. The overwhelming majority of the City Political Department of Movimiento Revolucionario Tupamaro – remained on these days to defend the legitimate President N. Maduro (not seeing, at the moment, worthy alternatives for him – according to the logic of protecting the least of the evils), by chance, it was possible to be aware of the above, and some other facts of abuse, – I had to “go into a temporary split”, actually leaving the leadership of the main political department of the MRT and creating a young military l “Frente Revolución en Guerra TUPAMARO”, with whose representatives international volunteers are fighting shoulder to shoulder in some border areas of Venezuela to defend the achievements of the Bolivian Revolution. Among them are representatives of the Latin American stakes of the Southeast Star, among whom there are also our comrades, who were directed and coordinated by the Commissioner of Defense and Security Stakes Comrade. Alan Kizlyarsky (they joined the ranks of the “Frente Revolución en Guerra TUPAMARO” in the mountains in March 2019, but there is not always a connection with them).

Our Venezuelan friends and associates write us a lot about what is happening in Venezuela, and even their opinions often differ. It depends, in my opinion, on the life situation and different experience of the struggle. Venesolanos compañeros, who shed their blood for preserving the achievements of the revolution, defending the Bolivian homeland in the border mountains in Délisia and La Honda from group Colombian sabotage, while being members of the ruling party and being forced to accept all the mistakes of the Nicholas Maduro board, sometimes returning in Caracas, they were forced to see more and more increasing economic destabilization, local centers of anarchy and total dependence of the population on speculators: for example, the government-issued petrol coupons have no place to go Aarit, it can only be bought at four times overpriced speculators prices. Our combat venesolanos compañeros is difficult to understand why so far in the capital neither Sebin nor the Bolivian guards could not deal with speculation, sabotage and economic sabotage, whose “legs” grow from the ultra-right bourgeois layer, why the ruling party and N. Maduro himself are not the strength to fulfill the covenant of Hugo Chávez – to protect the revolution? Let N. Maduro a priori could not become the worthy successor of Hugo Chávez, whose views were rapidly progressing, revolutionized as the socialist transformations in the country developed, but why the shameful conciliation of the President with the Venezuelan big bourgeoisie, with its oligarchic top that could not save Bolivian movement in the country. Even ordinary residents of suburban areas understand that the danger posed by a handful of right-wing Venezuelans, who bribed a crowd of young Venezuelans with US political spinners money, could not be prevented by peaceful means – people said that the dictatorship of the Bolivian majority was needed. ” After all, TNCs, whose offices and boards are carried out mainly from the United States, as well as the CIA and the Pentagon, will never voluntarily leave such a “fat” piece as Venezuela. My venesolanos compa told me that city arrimbas that thundered around the country were skillfully organized and paid for riots involving lumpen-youth groups, whose leaders were initially financed by “harmless” HGOs (“split off” from the world famous NED – “National Endowment for Democracy “), being just the first step of the multi-way dirty combination that North American political technologists lead in Venezuela, although they could not lead to the” liberation “of the oil and lithium-rich country from the” Maduro regime “, they left heavy consequences for themselves: the destruction of major intersections of mainline highways that came down from Molotov cocktails and looted shops and shopping centers that were not restored in some areas … Along with US sanctions, with economic destabilization, and still arrimbas, all this constitutes an explosive mixture for the existence of a free Venezuela. Trump understands this perfectly well, and the US Southern Command most likely does not find it necessary to spend its forces on organizing direct military intervention: after all, none of the Maduro government, neither Diosdado Cabello, nor Vladimir Lopesido, have neither sufficient powers, nor, apparently, , a strong desire to take the rescue of Venezuela into their own hands, saving it from unrest lasting more than five years on city streets and from border violations, the dual power embarrassing situation of the population, with self-proclaimed alternative president H. Guayado, riznannym US neo-liberal pro-American community of nations, led by “pinjeros” Chile. Information about the bloodshed in Venezuela, underlined by photographs of numerous street riots and clashes of government forces with groups of armed youth, spread all over the world, creating among the general public that Venezuelan youth virtually did not support the Bolivian revolution. But this is not the case – the majority of young people, soldiers of the Bolivian forces and cadets of military schools, people from the poor, who were given the opportunity to be worthy citizens of their country, get an education at universities and institutes, were helped by Bolivian ideas and achievements. . Only those young people who are from small and large businessmen, as well as, unfortunately, those who are under pressure from economic hardships and have no job (as opponents of the authorities, owners of industries, are increasingly stopping factories and factories), succumbed to hostile, bourgeois propaganda, working even as a persistent fashion to participate in spontaneous anti-government riots in the capital and major cities.

As a necessary remark, it should be noted that the “chavist movement” or “chavism” is a concept that both friends and enemies use in our time (the latter when they talk about “fidelism” and “chavism” as some kind of communist evil, about dictatorship red regimes with a complete lack of democracy), while initially “chavism” is a collective concept (rather, journalistic), and it meant by itself, right up to 2018, a left-oriented conglomeration of socialist, communist, Maoist and Trotskyist political, civil and paramilitary formations of Venezuela. Some years ago, at the origins of the Bolivian movement, they were really united by the fiery revolutionary political work of Commander Chávez, directed towards the internationalist strategy of Socialism XXI, which also embraced other countries of the Continent (Ecuador, Bolivia). But in my opinion, only Bolivia is strongest now, where the seeds sown by Che Guevara’s detachments have risen among the people, led by “a little cunning Indian who would never let the power out of their hands,” coming from agricultural Indian trade union Evo Morales . We very much hope that from among the revolutionary young militants who defend the freedom of Venezuela in the border mountains of Déliscia and La Honda, or from the militants who defend the numerous revolutionary “barrios” – proletarian residential areas of Caracas that self-organized simultaneously or even before Hugo Chávez came to power, under the influence of the Cuban revolutionary struggle, in the end worthy leaders for Venezuela will come forward, who will replace N. Maduro, and will more decisively defend their free homeland, as their first steps by taking the nationalization of all sectors of the economy – otherwise bourgeois stratum in Venezuela did not stop to play along with US political consultants, hoping to once again become the ruling political elite of the country.

The interview was prepared and made by Gordan Stošević